
  • ‘Victoria’ plum is head tree grower John’s top recommendation. Without hesitation. “It’s by far the best plum, if not fruit tree… ever”. He says, “It’s just so easy to grow and bears an enormous load of fruit, every year. The plums themselves are always plump, sweet and perfect for making jams with. You very rarely get pest problems and you have a decent length harvest period to look forward to.”
  • A heritage variety dating back to the Victorian era – it’s been loved ever since for its extra large purple fruit with sweet, juicy yellow flesh.
  • Dual-purpose plum: lovely eaten fresh but great for cooking too – the perfect excuse to make plum frangipane, tarts and crumble
  • Super easy to grow and a prolifically heavy cropper – ideal for beginners
  • Happy in most well-draining soils and prefers a sunny site
  • Midseason harvest – August
  • Self-fertile – will produce good crops without pollination
  • Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit and Plants for Pollinators status for its benefits to bees
  • Our potted trees are supplied in EcoPots™. Eco pots use 70% less plastic and are fully recyclable, unlike normal single-use pots. They flex and so produce less root spiralling and travel better in the post.MORE
  • All of our fruit trees are between 18 & 36 months old and will be professionally pruned before dispatching. This formative pruning can involve cutting the main leader if the expert tree growers decide this will produce a better-shaped tree. This can stop the tree from becoming “leggy”, and promote stronger, bushier growth.MORE

Rootstocks Available

  • SJA Rootstock: Max size H4m x W4m Rootstocks restrict the size of a tree to make it more suited for an average gardenMORE
  • Pixy Rootstock: Max size H3m x W3m
  • Cordon Trained: Max size H2m x W1m This tree has been pruned and trained to create a cordon shape, which will result in a narrow upright tree, with only short side branches. This is perfect for smaller spaces, and will still produce a good amount of fruitMORE


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'Victoria' Plum Tree

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