
  • A favourite heritage French variety
  • ‘Mirabelle’ is a cherry plum which is a distinct plum fruit, and not a hybrid of the two species
  • A new, heavy cropping hybrid, it produces an abundance of golden fruits
  • This truly dual purpose tree is more often cooked with as it’s tart enough and makes exceptional pies and sauces. It also makes a superb jam and eaten fresh, has a tangy sweet flavour that’s quite unique
  • Late harvest time – ready to pick September
  • Max size H4m x W4m – SJA Rootstock Rootstocks restrict the size of a tree to make it more suited for an average gardenMORE
  • Partially self fertile – Pollination Group 3 This variety will fruit on its own but will provide bigger and better crops if pollinated by another plum, damson, mirabelle or gage tree within a mile’s radius. They need to flower at the same time. Plums in the same pollination group, or one either side, can pollinate each other. In built up areas it is unlikely that there won’t be a suitable pollination partner within a mileMORE
  • Our potted trees are supplied in EcoPots™. Eco pots use 70% less plastic and are fully recyclable, unlike normal single use pots. They flex and so produce less root spiralling and travel better in the post.MORE
  • Our trees are usually between 18 and 36 months old at the time of dispatch.
  • Our trees are professionally pruned before dispatching. This formative pruning can involve cutting the main leader, if the expert tree growers decide this will produce a better shaped tree. This can stop the tree becoming “leggy”, and promote stronger, bushier growth.MORE


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'Mirabelle De Nancy' Plum Tree

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